Sports Massages, Deep Tissue, Swedish & Full Body Massages
in Harrogate
Angel Touch

Sports Massages, Deep Tissue, Swedish & Full Body Massages
in Harrogate
Angel Touch Therapy
Luxury, quality & comfort
“What inspires me the most is when I see the smile on peoples face after a successful treatment.Recovering people from sport injuries or other traumas and relieving them of their pain is my greatest reward.
It makes me loving what I do everyday!”
– Villy,

Luxury, quality & comfort
” What inspires me the most is when I see the smile on peoples face after a successful treatment.Recovering people from sport injuries or other traumas and relieving them of their pain is my greatest reward.
It makes me loving what I do everyday! “
– Villy,

Sports Massages
Swedish Massages
Full Body Massages
Deep Tissue Massages
Neck pain
Spinal trauma
Shoulder pain
Posture Correction
Ankle/knee/hip pain
Hand/wrist/elbow pain
Repetitive Strain Injury
Back pain Sciatica/leg pain

Sports Massages
Swedish Massages
Full Body Massages
Deep Tissue Massages
Neck pain
Spinal trauma
Shoulder pain
Posture Correction
Ankle/knee/hip pain
Hand/wrist/elbow pain
Repetitive Strain Injury
Back pain Sciatica/leg pain




” I am extremely grateful and passionate to do my work because it makes me very happy to see and put people’s smile on their face. Furthermore I am looking forward to continue massage therapy. As a result of my work I am really happy when I get such remarkable reviews. It is especially relevant for every professional to have the client’s feedback and most of all to bring satisfaction in addition to people’s condition. ” – Villy

Live your life to the fullest
Treat Yourself
” Villy is passionate about well being of the people in her hands. When people feel great they are free to live life to the full. The road to achieving better health and vitality is easier than you think. If you want to enhance how you feel about yourself and your life then maybe Villy can help to guide and support you. Villy is an expert in Sports Massage and has been Harrogate based working to soothe, deeply relax and restore for several years. She works skillfully to remove the deep tensions which prevent your body being at its vital and optimal best. She irons out postural imbalances, aches, pains, niggles and injuries to improve your well being and performance. Its not just for athletes! Whatever you do with it – your body is so important to take care of. Put yourself in her magic ‘Angel Touch’ hands, and she will help you and take care of you. “
Clare Smith,
Health Guru
The Stories They Tell

Video reviews of patients
After The Treatment